An Exploration of the Nature of Morality and Memory and its Relevance to Historical Writing

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Memoir suffers from the potential for bias on the part of the author toward self-preservation, and may also represent an effort on the part of the author to preserve their own family members or friends’ memory by avoiding writing negatively… Continue Reading →

Oral History

Oral history has been useful in informing my research. As Sugiman shows in his article article “Life is Sweet: Vulnerability and Composure in the Wartime narratives of Japanese Canadians,” which discusses the shared memories of previously interned Japanese Canadians, what… Continue Reading →


Microhistory writing is very important to my research. Microhistory attempts to approach a subject through a full analysis, looking at the important details as well as the overall function of the subject within the much wider social context. As Littles… Continue Reading →

Subjective Experience

As Martin L. Davies argues in his article “Disobedience Reconsidered: History, Theory, and the Morality of Scholarship,” non-compliance with social norms is defined as the opposition and challenge to an apparent unassailable order of the world. Through disobedience, argues Davies,… Continue Reading →

Trauma: War and the Great Depression

In order to understand memories from the era of the Great depression or World War I or II, it is important to discuss the nature of trauma and its effect on the formation of memory.   PTSD is a neurological… Continue Reading →

Religion and the Fenians

The demonization of capitalism too came to be associated with religious affiliation, and as a result the religions of Protestantism and Catholicism became to be seen as in incompatible conflict with on-another, fueling conflicts such as the Fenian rebellion. A… Continue Reading →

Separate Spheres and Production

Prior to the implementation of factory production in north America, production depended largely on the work of the ‘master-apprentice’ system, wherein an ‘apprentice’ would work with and often live with a ‘master,’ learning the many skills needed to produce that… Continue Reading →

Victorian Morality

Important in understanding May from a moral standpoint is to understand the concept of Victorian morality, which emphasised sexual restraint, intolerance for crime and vagrancy, and a strict code of public conduct. Victorian morality was highly influential, and during the… Continue Reading →


In historical writing; memoir, autobiography, oral history, and other such subjective primary sources and ‘self-histories’ very often serve as an important well from which historians draw critical information and construct complex and highly nuanced visions of the past. However, how… Continue Reading →


Alexander, S., “‘Do Grandmas Have Husbands?’ Generational Memory and Twentieth Century Women’s Lives,” The Oral History Review, 36, 2 (2009): 159-176. Bartkevicius, J., “‘The Person to Whom Things Happened’: Meditations on the Tradition of Memoir,” Fourth Genre: Explorations in Nonfiction,… Continue Reading →

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